New brand name: Tisamed

New brand name: Tisamed

Tisacoop, a family-owned company in Magyarkanizsa, is set to become the leading honey integrator in Vojvodina. With 28 years of experience, they have expanded from retail to importing Hungarian food products and now honey procurement and processing. Their new sector, Tisamed, supports beekeepers and offers innovative technological solutions.

The Rise of Tisacoop: Becoming the Leading Honey Integrator in Vojvodina

The Tisacoop company in Magyarkanizsa, with twenty-eight years of experience, is set to become the largest honey integrator in Vojvodina. Initially focused on the import and wholesale and retail trade of Hungarian food industry products and raw materials, the family-owned Tisacoop, established in 1990, has expanded its operations to include honey procurement and processing starting this year.

Evolution into a Major Player

Starting as a traditional small and large-scale retail business, the company shifted its focus in the 2000s to specialize in importing and distributing food industry products from Hungary. Over the decades, Tisacoop now represents over fifty Hungarian manufacturers, offering approximately 900 products, particularly in the meat, dairy, confectionery, and wine industries.

Diversification and Expansion

In 2012, the company made the strategic decision to open its own retail outlets, known as Hungarikum stores, primarily designed to showcase and distribute a wide range of Hungarian products. These outlets not only provide access to products but also serve to showcase the culture and artistic values, adding an enriched experience for shoppers in Magyarkanizsa, Subotica, Belgrade, and now with two stores in Novi Sad as well.

Embracing Innovation: The Birth of Tisamed

The key to success lies in continuous development, and Tisacoop is a testament to this. In the current year, they are launching a new sector, honey integration. By May, the company will have completed the construction of large complexes where honey will be collected, stored, tested, processed, packaged, and then sold on domestic and international markets. This initiative led to the creation of Tisamed, which unites and supports beekeepers in Vojvodina. The technological solutions of the honey plant are tailored to meet modern-day requirements.

Leadership Insights

The company's executives, Károly Körmöci and Zoltán Körmöci, have shared insights about the integrator role and their new venture, Tisamed, as a brand.

The Expansion of Tisacoop into the Honey Market

Recently, Tisacoop, a well-established company primarily involved in trade, has announced its strategic expansion into the honey market in the Vojvodina region of Serbia, with a focus on integrating local beekeepers and facilitating the export of their high-quality honey. This move comes as a result of the company's keen interest in the economic development initiatives of the Hungarian government in the Carpathian Basin and the significant agricultural development projects initiated by the Prosperitati Foundation.

Integration and Quality Assurance

Tisacoop aims to play a crucial role as an integrator by establishing a fully controlled system for honey procurement. One of the key elements of this system is ensuring the quality of the honey, which is essential to meet the expectations of the buyers. To achieve this, the company has set up a meticulous process that involves sampling the honey produced by local beekeepers and conducting thorough quality assessments in their own laboratory. Additionally, certain parameters will be assessed in collaboration with external partners, including domestic and international laboratories. Only honey meeting the required quality standards and price agreements will be procured.

Long-term Collaboration and Support

Furthermore, Tisacoop aims to foster long-term partnerships with beekeepers, emphasizing their commitment to supporting the beekeeping community. In addition to honey procurement, the company plans to provide various input materials and beekeeping equipment to the beekeepers, with the cost being reimbursed from the proceeds of the honey sold. The company also intends to focus on training and education, enlisting renowned experts and specialized organizations to enhance the skills and knowledge of the beekeepers.

Prosperitati Foundation's Support

The Prosperitati Foundation is set to release a new support grant tailored specifically for beekeepers. This grant will offer a broader and more flexible utilization of funds, with the grant amount ranging from 1.2 to 2.4 million dinars, depending on the size of the beekeeping operations. The increased funding presents a remarkable opportunity for beekeepers to accelerate their development significantly.

Market Expansion and Potential

With its integration of over 150 beekeepers in 2018, Tisacoop has positioned itself as the sole honey procurer in the region, providing crucial support for the sustainability of these beekeepers. The company has already received substantial interest from a larger number of beekeepers, indicating a positive response to its initiatives. Moreover, preliminary assessments have confirmed the exceptional quality of the honey produced in the region, further reinforcing the company's confidence in expanding into the markets of Western Europe, the Far East, and Arab countries. The company is optimistic about the potential to market this high-quality product in various target segments.

Infrastructure Development

As part of its expansion, Tisacoop has initiated the construction of a 1500-square-meter warehouse and a 750-square-meter honey processing plant at its facility in Magyarkanizsa. These developments will significantly enhance the company's storage capacity and processing capabilities, allowing for an annual production capacity of 1000 tons of honey.

Overall, Tisacoop's foray into the honey market not only signifies a diversification of its business operations but also reflects its commitment to contributing to the economic growth of the region and supporting the livelihoods of local beekeepers.

Developing the Honey Industry in Vojvodina

The honey industry in Vojvodina, Serbia, is poised for growth and development. With a significant number of beekeepers showing interest and positive feedback from initial surveys and laboratory tests, there are plans to expand the market for locally produced honey to Western European, Far Eastern, and Arab countries. A new logistics center and laboratory are being constructed in Magyarkanizsa to support this expansion.

Potential and Capacity

The annual honey production in Serbia ranges from 6,000 to 12,000 tons, with nearly 30% of it attributed to Vojvodina. A comparison with Hungary, which has almost the same number of bee colonies but produces three times the amount of honey, indicates untapped potential in Vojvodina. The planned capacity of 1000 tons is considered realistic and aims to primarily benefit local producers, supporting both the younger and older generations involved in beekeeping.

Market Considerations

Two critical factors influencing beekeepers are the price and payment terms. To address this, efforts will be made to procure honey at competitive market prices and ensure payment within 30 days. This commitment will be formalized in contracts to provide stability and security to the beekeeping community.

Future Prospects

The expansion project is expected to create twenty new jobs, focusing on the honey processing facility and the logistical aspects. The modern facility will implement a system of collecting honey in labeled metal barrels with barcodes, enabling precise tracking of the honey's origin and ensuring quality control. The company's in-house laboratory will further verify the quality of the honey before it is marketed. Additionally, the packaging options will cater to various customer segments, including industrial users, retailers, and the hospitality sector, offering different packaging sizes to meet diverse preferences.

With these developments, the honey industry in Vojvodina is set to flourish, providing economic opportunities and promoting the region's high-quality honey on the international stage.

Focus on Honey Varieties

In our region, sunflower honey is the most dominant, accounting for approximately 50% of the honey produced here. In addition, rapeseed, acacia, linden, and other variety honeys are also available in smaller quantities. Regardless of the variety, there is a demand for quality honey in foreign markets. The EU, in particular, relies on imports. We have the conditions to produce this quality honey, but it requires serious processing technology and a dedicated approach from the producers. We are committed to purchasing only high-quality honey. Our target markets are highly competitive, so maintaining quality is crucial. Our aim is to process raw materials that can compete in the western market, and we expect respect and appreciation from the company's side. This provides a perspective for beekeepers who seek to produce high-quality honey in the long term and are looking for a reliable market – Károly expressed optimism.

Preserving Quality and Market Strategy

Is there a risk that excellent products will be taken from here, leaving behind cheaper, inferior products?

Market prices greatly determine the purchasing and selling prices of honey. Our goal is to sell at least 70-80% of the honey on export markets, while also targeting domestic consumers for the remaining 20-30%. Starting from this autumn, the honey packaged by us will be available on the shelves of our Hungarikum stores – emphasized Zoltán.

Unlimited Potential and Future Development

It seems like you have endless opportunities and ideas. What else do you have in store?

Honey has enormous potential, and besides the food industry, it is also favored by the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. So, there is still room for growth – hinted Károly. We are currently at the first stage, and we want to build this foundation well. If there is a demand for further development in the future, we are open to it. The success of the honey factory this year is crucial, and beekeepers will play a key role alongside the markets, providing the raw material base. We count on them, and they need to know that the successful 28 years behind us will provide a solid foundation for future cooperation. Joining as beekeepers, they become part of a team that has already proven itself in the market.


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